Direct Your Path
He will direct your path. This is a wonderful thing with God—He will direct our path. Often times we wonder, "What next?" or "Which of these choices should I make?" or "What is the best decision for this point in my life?" People make these kinds of decisions in a myriad of ways. It might be decided on the biggest paycheck, how much money do I get? It might be the work is easier with fewer demands. It might be the right decision based on climbing the corporate ladder. We can reason it out and we should.
Still, many are unsure and pondering how to choose. They wonder how to weight the different factors of each decision. Some choices just come to us and we are certain it is the right decision. God says He will help us. We don't have to just depend on our interpretation of things. It says that He has an active interest to help us to the right path. We can pray and ask and receive direction. All of the facts don't necessarily add up. It could be the paycheck is less, or the path may look like a step back, but what an exciting moment when a person realizes that the final outcome was perfect.
Some things in life are not step one, step two, step three and so on. Maybe it is step one, step two, step three, step two.... It may not be such a direct relationship. Perhaps that step back allowed you to gain experience which you need for the better job just around the corner. A job you had not anticipated. Maybe you meet a lifetime friend, or you marry a coworker whom you met in a job you were somewhat cautious about. Maybe you are introduced to a key person who has a significant impact on your later life. Perhaps you find yourself in a city that you decide to settle in, a place you had not considered. Maybe the new position leads to a start-up business in the field you love. Life is not predictable. The road is long and often curves out of sight.
Being older, I realize how narrow my thoughts of the future were at a younger age. As I look back, I see that in times that I didn't know God or pray, He did direct my path. For example, I met my husband and enjoyed a rural life that I had only dreamed about as a kid. As it turned out, God kept me from some very bad outcomes. He knew me and loved me—before I knew him. For years now I have prayed and sought His direction, and He has helped me. He helps us and cares for us and because of that, He is the one whom we want to direct our path, overtly or covertly. There is one who cares.