Through This Man

Through This Man

January 26, 20252 min read

This is a completely amazing thing. Letting go of something that you did, that was wrong. Forgetting about it! The thing you can't get off your mind is wiped away and not to be remembered. You know when you have done something wrong, it weighs on you. Whether it was last week or several years ago, you think about it. Maybe you were just a kid, but that wrong thing takes up residence in your mind. It pops out occasionally to make you feel bad, or it may underlie your mood and your attitude every day.

Now imagine that wrong thing is gone and not brought back to your remembrance. It's called forgiving; you were forgiven. And that also means forgetting. It means not holding you to account. How could your wrong words or actions be expunged? Doesn't justice demand that you atone for your deed or pay up? You know right from wrong. You've known that from the beginning. Now there is no being grounded or confined to your room to even things out as when you were a child. Injustice just floats around throughout the world. You've done things and things have been done to you. What could cancel that out, now that you are an adult?

The wrongdoing was injustice, and true it did not just disappear as it seemed to you. The injustice was removed, taken care of, and so justice prevailed. There was a consequence that was paid. Someone had to clear the bill of the wrongdoing. It's through this person that forgiveness and even forgetfulness are taught. Made new! It's like a hot shower washing away all the sweat and dirt down the drain. Fresh and clean. As the greatest thing, beginning again with all the mistakes behind you.

You know the expression to lay down your life for a friend, and some would do that in an honorable way. In this case one did it for everyone, the whole world. Here's the situation—yes, in fact a life was laid down for you. A life was lost and you were saved. You probably haven't thought of the work of Jesus like that, but that is it. It is through him that this amazing gift of cleansing could occur, forgiveness then forgetfulness of your wrong actions. If you really understood that the debt of every wrong thing you've done has been paid for in a high court, your feet would not touch the ground.

If you get that idea, forgiveness, imagine this idea—the love that person has for you. An unending love right to the death. I think if you really know you are loved like that, you might change. That's an inspiring thought! Your wrongs, even sin, paid for because of love. Oh yes, you've probably heard the hellfire brimstone preachers and now you've heard this. You may just want to do a little research because knowing what you know now, brings new meaning to that popular saying, “Jesus loves you.”

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