To Say Or Pray Words To God

To Say Or Pray Words To God

February 16, 20254 min read

You’ve probably heard of the “Our Father.” Some people call the prayer Jesus gave us the “Our Father” because that’s how it starts. I always called it The Lord’s Prayer. It says “The” because it is the one He gave us. We call it the “Lord’s” prayer because Jesus became Lord over us at some point in our walk with Him. He was called Lord of all by many and we recognize this truth. Then “Prayer”, a collection of words said to God. Some prayers are said, some are breathed out, some are in our hearts, and some our inner self is silently calling out all the time. They are words to God.

Before we even begin to pray, we are assured by Jesus that the Father knows what we need. That’s such a great thought because it tells us plainly that the Father know us. He knows what we need before we ask! So let’s begin.

Our Father who is in Heaven. So there is something else established. The Father knows you and He lives in Heaven, a place you have not even been sure about. You’ve heard about Heaven being a great place to be, a respite from this earth and maybe even perfect. So now you know there is such a place because that is where the Father is.

Then the prayer tells us that the name of God is Holy. Special. Unique, set apart. Holy be Your Name. or Hallowed!

God has a kingdom where justice and mercy and truth dwell together. When people speak to God they say Your Kingdom of Goodness come down here where we are! We need it. Your Kingdom come. Let it be established in place of lies, deceits and wickedness.

Then we ask (in prayer) for God’s will to be done here on earth. Your will be done as it is (done) in Heaven. What does God’s will mean? It means His will unfolds within the confines of Goodness and Mercy, Justice and Truth. Yes we do desire that.

Then we can make a claim on the Father. Because He is our Father we ask Him to take care of us. And if we indeed had nothing at all, the first thing we would ask for is food. We ask it like we expect it. Give us this day our daily bread. Food we need to eat and some people think food for our soul too.

We know we have real debts, to people around us, a car payment, a mortgage or what you owe your friend. We have a debt to God although we may not think about or know about that yet. But if we know the Father is God, we know he has kept us alive. Everyone of us can think of a situation or incident in our lives where we escaped death. Most people when they come to know the Father think on these things. Some think it is a miracle, but I’m here! I thought that and I had more than one example of death-defying situations in my life. Thinking on this I realize I have a debt to God. He saved my life. I owe Him.

The next part reminds us to ask God to forgive our debt to Him. Forgive us our debts. Let them go. And also let us make sure we don’t hold anything over some else’s head. As we forgive our debtors. Imagine being forgiven but not forgiving someone else – you got so lucky – what about them? Pass it on.

Now that we know about God and His Goodness, we are utterly relieved because we certainly already know about Evil. We lived it. We had our part in evil one way or another big or small. So we ask our Father Deliver us from evil! It is up to you Father, help us and even deliver us from evil ways and forces.

We have a request before the cry to be delivered. Do not let us be led into temptation. There are lots of tempting things on this earth. We know we have tried some and the outcome was some kind of destruction. Evil things often begin by us being drawn into something Bad – Evil. We know how it will end.

So we pray

Lead us not into temptation!


Deliver us from Evil!

Then we remind ourselves and we remind the Father we know – It’s your Kingdom Father. Your Power Father and Your Glory Father. So be it! Amen.

So let’s say it together,

“Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
    in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
    as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, for ever. Amen”

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