A Collection Of Inspired Teachings From My Journey!


God and Me

Chapter 8:

We Change, God Stays The Same

Blessed art Thou, oh Lord God of Hosts. You never leave us or forsake us. Your ways are infinite and kind. You honor your servant in whatever way they come to You. You smile at us, so sweetly and calmly. You are not put off by our ways, each one individual, in prayer or in seeking You. You always meet us where we are. With you Lord it is Always and Never, not with man; man is fickle, not able to fulfill always and never, whether for good or for ill. We fall short.

But not You, Lord. With You all absolutes hold true. You always meet us where we are. You draw us out, You change us, You call forth new things, You put your finger on the old that needs to fall away; You are a God of change who never changes. We are the work of Your hand. No matter where You meet us whether far or near, we will be changed by You. How could it be otherwise; even the rocks and the trees, who have no mouth nor any voice will cry out at Your presence. So too with us. Come as you are—so be it. We all do. And we all have from the beginning of time, from the saints of old, everyone of the saints of whom you’ve heard or read or seen—each one came as they were. But herein lies the power of God, the power of the Gospel—to be changed……

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