A Collection Of Inspired Teachings From My Journey!


God, Me and Church

Chapter 1:

Why Do We Believe?

There is a remnant in every man that was laid in his spirit from before time began. It is the portion in each one of us that rises up looking for righteousness, longing for Justice in this world. It is the part of us that is offended by oppression and the cruel exploitation of the weak.

It is the one true pure part of each one of us that deeply desires goodness and mercy to prevail. It is the looking for love that isn’t found on this earth. It is a cutout piece of our heart which when we meet God is perfectly filled like the elusive puzzle piece that fits the emptiness. God with us—then God in us.

Chapter 27:

Your Life: A Christian

All this talk about Religion, Christianity, Denominations, and Doctrine. It’s endless and argumentative. How long will we go on proving our point about Baptism, eternal punishment, or whether we still need to “do good?”

My question is this: if you are a follower of Jesus, a Christian, how does that impact your life? What makes your life different? I understand the differences that would be in you, but what shows up in your life? Are you a secret agent Christian, no one really knows you believe on the Lordship of Jesus Christ and that you read and adhere to the teaching of the Word of God?……

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