A Collection Of Inspired Teachings From My Journey!


God, Me and the World

Chapter 3:


Sacrifice, it is a way of life for the Godly. We live our lives to bless others, to encourage others and to prosper them, sometimes even to our own loss. Even in our lack we care for them. I often wonder what marks the Christian? And I recognize the indelible mark of God. It is the component sacrifice as part of their service which truly declares, I am Christ’s. There are many good people and good works. Even the ungodly and unbelievers do good. Muslims, Jews and generally nice people do good deeds. They also give money and goods but it doesn’t make them Christians. Indeed we, the body of Christ, do good and give as the Scripture teaches us. We set aside for the poor. We tithe. We actively participate at church or at school or in our neighborhoods.

I was thinking on what quality marks a Christian as “The Lord’s,” and it seems that every great one of God had in abundance a profound humbleness. Each knew the greatness of God and thereby were humbled. They knew Him, as all men of the Bible when they saw Him, they fell down. They could not stand in His presence. They knew the Lord and therefore they knew their own frailty. They knew they were small and He was great. The saw that they were fragile made of clay, breakable. In the presence of God and by Him they took up a lowly position. That humble place continued with them as they stood before men. It was seen. They rested in lowliness waiting for God to exalt them when they came into Glory…..

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