A mom came to see me at the school, the first of the church members of this Ukrainian Russian community to inquire. She was very agitated which conveyed itself clearly although no English was spoken. Her sister translated. Her son had been placed in a special education classroom in the public system and was subject to a number of learning interventions. At that time when we met, a new assessment of her child had been submitted to her which downgraded him from the previous evaluation. The thirteen page document indicated the learned skills to maximize at second and third grade educational levels. The document was in English and she wanted me to explain to her what it meant. As I did, the anguish of her countenance increased. She did not agree with this assessment of her son and continually repeated to her sister the same words, "He is smart. He is smart." She told me that he could do many things, for example that he learned the piano so quickly. She knew he could learn and she told of how much he loved God.
She wanted to enroll him in the school even though she knew very little about us. We prayed and how earnestly she entreated God on behalf of her son. When I met him, he was a bright composed student who seemed capable and eager to attend our Christian school. I didn't hear from them for long period of time which I didn't give too much consideration because we had committed the situation to the Lord. When she did contact me again it was to ask me if the public school had the right to retain her son. She told me they would not release him to transfer schools. Parents have the right to place their children in the educational system of their choice and are not bound to the public school which I expressed to her.
I attended an interview the family arranged with the principal and special education team of the public school where the child was enrolled. I sat quietly throughout the meeting until the principal stated that the student could not be withdrawn. When I asked him to repeat his statement he backtracked and stated it was best for the child that he not be withdrawn. As a lot of conversation ensued directed by the school employees, I pondered the school's position as they clearly did not want this student transferred. At the close of the meeting the principal in a "fatherly" gesture offered this young boy his home phone number in case things did not work out at the Christian school. Later I discovered that this one student's enrollment represented $45,000 of special funding to the school.
We walked out to the parking lot having accomplished our purpose of filing the transfer papers, the bright sun and warm temperature felt like a release from the atmosphere of the meeting. I was curious on the reluctance of the school to release this boy since it only involved a signed withdrawal form so I asked the family about the delay. The mom looked deep into my eyes and said, look at this. She rolled up the boy's sleeves and both arms had multiple bruises from being physically held by the staff. We both cried.
At the point of the withdrawal he was doing very little academic work, virtually none according to the family which reflected the numerous special programs he had been placed in. I was surprised that the child had been physically restrained since the principal and the staff had clearly expressed the pleasant nature of the boy stating a few times he was not a discipline problem. Also several teachers familiar with this situation corroborated the financial benefits that accrued to the school because of all the tags they put on this boy.
So we received this precious child in Jesus name and were very blessed by him. He began school in February and it was clear he was not accustomed to being in a classroom or having to complete a body of work in a day. He was a very creative child who was learning when he applied himself. This new environment required a lot of skills and simply doing the work or trying to do it. He gained a willingness to do the work and learned to do it neatly as well as thoroughly. Really trying and actually accomplishing doing his best were all new endeavors for him. Sitting quietly was also a new concept and not talking.
One thing wasn't new he could pray and praise God. When he prayed the quiet presence of God was very apparent as he put his childish petitions forward. He loved to preach the gospel and sing. He could move every heart with his beautiful rendition of La Via Dolorosa. He said his desire in life was to be a preacher which freely told us–often! There is no doubt that God had His hand and His eye on this child. Our job was to teach him academics and social skills and to raise him up in the Word and nurture of the Lord.
He often visited my office in those early months for any number of infractions. For a while he just wanted to be little, to have fun and not take responsibility which his former academic situation had supported. Yet he became a young man who was responsible, did his homework and turned in his assignments resulting in a solid mid-level student. Two years later I began to see consistent changes in his work as he was trying in all his subjects. Yes, he was growing up.
The last week of school before the Christmas break, I was grading papers in my office, eighth grade math workbooks. It was late and I was tired and no one was in the school. I was almost finished. I looked down at the workbook and I realized I was grading this student’s math and my tears began to plop down on the pages of his notebook. I was in awe of what this student had accomplished, a solid C+ in eighth grade advanced algebra.
I closed my eyes and I repented before the Lord, "Lord we doubt You, we say it is too hard. We complain that we are tired and yet we see these miracles! We see them daily but we don't call them miracles anymore because they are so gradual. There I was grading the math of a boy examined by a panel of professionals who said he would not attain second or third grade skills. We have no such professionals here, no aids, no experts. Lord we are equipped with your Word and Your love emptying ourselves for your children. Here is one plucked from the fire exceeding all expectations who loves You and whom You clearly love. He has Your handprint Lord and I am sure he is marked for Your glory Father. Be Glorified.”