"Let the little children come to me..."

Matt 19:14

Starting A Micro Christian School

The Lord put on our hearts to start a school, Providence Christian School, although my husband and I had no experience, or training, or personal desire to do such a thing. Surely the fingerprint of God is already evident to you as He chooses the weak things of this world, the despised, that no man may Glory.

If you are reading this now, perhaps God is calling you to start a Christian School.

Let Us Help You!

We want to encourage you—starting a micro Christian School is not so hard!! We did it.

We have put together our 14 years experience in starting and running a small school and provide a guideline: Teacher Manual, Teacher Training Manual, General Forms and Parent Handbook. Take what is useful to you, add or delete as you are led. You can follow the material and gain the benefit of experience in schedules, parent/school communication, encouragement, discipline, grading and reporting. The Curriculum decisions are yours—we provide the structure.

Depending on your needs and circumstances, we can arrange to be on-site for training and implementation or work remotely to specifically support you.

Contact us now and let's talk about how we can help you.

Some Stories From The Children

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